This essay is to be concerned with essays raised in the two essays “Why America is Self-Segregating” (DANAH BOYD) and “Minority Student Clubs: Segregation or integration” ( GABRIELA MORO). You also have to provide, and refer to, an additional, credible source, that you have found, The assignment is to write an essay related to the issue of segregation, making reference to all three sources.
-Decide what your thesis is going to be with regards to segregation and integration- consider some of the issues that arise out of the two essays that are required reading for this essay.Then find a secondary source that is concerned with your area of interest.
– References should be from articles and thesis statement is the one of most important thing that you have to determine in first paragraph.
-Work cited.
-You are gonna find a problem from articles and you are gonna show references from 2 articles and 1 article whatever you found.
-Conclusion is very important, it will support your thesis and it should be with clear and accurate sentences.
– I need 750-1000 words.