capstone paper on health it innovation

As a culmination of the Health Informatics Program, you are required to complete a final Capstone Paper related to health IT innovation. The purpose of this project is to select a health IT innovation of choice that you would like to pursue as a leader.

When completing this paper, please integrate the following points below:

  • Effectively demonstrate mastery of Week 1 leadership concepts and principles by incorporating the strategy, vision, and alignment specifically related to your health IT innovation
  • Effectively demonstrate mastery of Week 2 leadership concepts and principles by incorporating innovation leadership strategies specifically related to your health IT innovation
  • Effectively demonstrate mastery of Week 3 leadership concepts and principles by incorporating IT Governance and Value Creation specifically related to your health IT innovation
  • Effectively demonstrate mastery of Week 4 leadership concepts and principles of IT Marketing and Influential Communication specifically related to your health IT innovation
  • Effectively demonstrate mastery of Week 5 leadership concepts and principles of IT risk management specifically related to your health IT innovation
  • Effectively demonstrate leadership principles based on the overall concepts acquired in Week 6
  • Effectively demonstration application of the learning outcomes expressed in this final capstone course

The paper needs to incorporate the items that I have learned throughout the class. I have discussions, assignments and a Powerpoint that I have turned in that all tie back to this paper.

Requirements: Submit a 10- to 15-page paper that will be evaluated based on the points listed below:

  • Demonstrate effective leadership principles learned with reference to health IT innovation.
  • Use APA-style formatting to include cover and reference page.
  • Apply innovative and original thought to written assignment.
  • Use a minimum of 8-10 resources correctly cited to include APA heading.