Case Analysis – Aviation Human Factors Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Case Analysis – Aviation Human Factors

Introduction to Aeronautical Science

Case Analysis: Aviation Human Factors

2-3 page paper/essay on aviation human factors. Your paper should be grammatically sound and free of spelling errors


– Two to three pages text (maximum, include a reference page; and a title page)

– Double-spaced lines

– Times New Roman 12 pitch


I.  Review materials from outside sources regarding the case

II. Diagnose the case (identify the issue/problem, define the significance of the issue/problem)

III. “Size-up” the case (determines the influence of the issue/problem, decide what was done well, and identify what could be improved)

IV. Provide recommendations (identify courses of action; what would you do differently?)

Develop a case analysis on this topic:  Select a commercial aviation accident that was concluded to have resulted from pilot error. Determine the primary and any secondary human factors contributions to the accident. Consider pilot training, organizational culture, organizational rules/policies, ergonomics, aircraft design limitations, etc., when identifying an issue for your case analysis

Upon submission, your work will automatically be evaluated through the plagiarism detection tool. Ensure your work is entirely your own. Cite your sources!

Refer to the assignment guides and rubric in the activity and ensure your case analysis conforms to the assignment requirements. Use the rubric as a guide when completing this assignment


  • Turnitin enabled (Turnitin report  less than 5%. )
  • Original your work don’t copy other source or student paper work , do your own word
  • APA formal style




 Case Analysis Undergraduate Rubric


 Case Analysis Undergraduate Rubric





Superior / 9 – 10 Points / Provides an exemplary summary and develops a coherent, central theme that is supported in a well-structured, organized, and logically-consistent manner throughout.

10 pts

Above Average / 7 – 8 Points / Provides an effective summary and develops a coherent, central theme that is supported in a well-structured, organized, and logically-consistent manner throughout.

8 pts

Average / 5 – 6 Points / Provides a sufficient summary and develops some level of a central theme that is expressed in an acceptably organized manner.

6 pts

Below Average / 3 – 4 Points / Provides minimal summary that lacks any coherent, central theme; illogical structure and organization.

4 pts

Failure / 0 – 2 Points / Provides a dissatisfactory summary that lacks any coherent, central theme; illogical structure and organization.

2 pts

10 pts

Problem Statement

Superior / 18 – 20 Points / Comprehensively identifies and isolates one specific problem. Identifies factors contributing to the problem with accurate details. Substantiates problem statement with external source(s).

20 pts

Above Average / 16 – 17 Points / Identifies and isolates one specific problem. Identifies some factors contributing to the problem with accurate details. Substantiates problem statement with external source(s).

17 pts

Average / 14 – 15 / Identifies and isolates a problem with some evidence of contributing factors. May be lacking substantive support of the problem statement. Uses assumptions and has missing information that are not revealed and addressed at any level.

15 pts

Below Average / 12 – 13 Points / Writing generally shows minimal evidence the student has done the required research and analysis, consisting instead of opinions, feelings and impressions.

13 pts

Failure / 0 – 11 Points / Writing generally shows no evidence the student has done the required research and analysis, consisting instead of opinions, feelings and impressions.

11 pts

20 pts

Significance of the Problem

Superior / 18 – 20 Points / Clearly establishes the significance of the problem statement. Presents a strong, well-supported argument based on relevant concepts, theories, and frameworks. Presents accurate outcome predictions that support immediate action to resolve the problem. Identifies outside sources of support.

20 pts

Above Average / 16 – 17 Points / Establishes the significance of the problem statement. Presents a well-supported argument based on relevant concepts, theories, and frameworks. Presents outcome predictions that support immediate action to resolve the problem while using some outside sources of support.

17 pts

Average / 14 – 15 Points / A valid argument with at least some reference to relevant concepts, theories and/or frameworks is present; exhibits thoughtfulness; makes some effort towards predicting outcomes.

15 pts

Below Average / 12 -13 Points / Arguments presented, if any, are mostly from opinion and not from evidence; while containing little linkage to relevant concepts, theories and/or frameworks.

13 pts

Failure / 0 – 11 Points / Arguments presented, if any, are from opinion and not from evidence; while containing no linkage to relevant concepts, theories and/or frameworks.

11 pts

20 pts

Alternative Actions (Two Each)

Superior / 18 – 20 Points / Realistic approach to resolving the problem. Reasons for each alternative are clearly articulated Advantages and disadvantages are thoughtful and give cause for reflection on the results of implementing one or the other alternative action. A decision could be made solely based upon the information provided.

20 pts

Above Average / 16 – 17 Points / Realistic approach to resolving the problem. Reasons for each alternative are articulated Advantages and disadvantages are somewhat thoughtful and give cause to think about the results of implementing one or the other alternative action. A decision could be made with the help of the information provided.

17 pts

Average / 14 – 15 Points / An approach to resolving the problem is provided. Reasons for each alternative are provided. Advantages and disadvantages are present. Outcome of implementing one alternative or the other is not clear. A decision could possibly be made based upon the help information provided.

15 pts

Below Average / 12 – 13 Points / A decision based upon either alternative would be difficult to make without additional information.

13 pts

Failure / 0 – 11 Points / A decision based upon either alternative would be not be possible without additional information.

11 pts

20 pts


Superior / 9 – 10 Points / Creative approach to resolving the problem. Reason is clearly out of the ordinary. Advantage and disadvantage are thought provoking. Answers the question “What if we tried something completely different”? A decision to implement could probably only be made by someone who believes it is easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission.

10 pts

Above Average / 7 – 8 Points / A good approach to resolving the problem. Reason to support the approach is well supported. Advantage and disadvantage are well thought out. Answers the question “What if we tried something different”? A decision to implement could probably only be made from these actions.

8 pts

Average / 5 – 6 Points / A somewhat more realistic approach to resolving the problem is provided. Reason is provided. Advantage and disadvantage are present. Outcome of implementation is positive. A decision could possibly be made based upon the information provided.

6 pts

Below Average / 3 – 4 Points / Realistic approach to resolving the problem is barely present. Rationale lacks articulation. Advantage and disadvantage are illogical. A decision could not be made without clarification from the analyst.

4 pts

Failure / 0 – 2 / Realistic approach to resolving the problem is not present. Rationale lacks articulation. Advantage and disadvantage are not present. A decision could not be made using these actions.

2 pts

10 pts


Superior / 9 – 10 Points / Uses proper APA citations and references; grammatically-sound and free of spelling errors, follows required formatting rules; and fully addresses given assignment.

10 pts

Above Average / 7 – 8 Points / Uses proper APA citations and references with very small errors found. Still grammatically-sound and free of spelling errors, follows required formatting rules; and fully addresses given assignment.

8 pts

Average / 5 – 6 Points / Citations are sometimes missing and/or are incorrect; an acceptable level of writing is exhibited, even with a few mechanical mistakes, but the communication is clear nonetheless.

6 pts

Below Average / 3 – 4 Points / Very little support of citation; grammar, spelling, and/or word choice errors are frequent enough that the communication is muddled.

4 pts

Failure / 0 – 2 Points / Lack of any sort of citation. Grammar, spelling, and/or word choice errors are frequent enough that the communication is incomprehensible.

2 pts

10 pts

Accomplishment of Research Learning Outcomes

Superior / 9 – 10 Points / The case analysis strongly accomplished all 6 of the SLO’s for Research and strongly supports the institutions Research Quality Enhancement Plan.

10 pts

Above Average / 7 – 8 Points / The case analysis accomplished the majority of the 6 SLO’s for Research and supports the institutions Research Quality Enhancement Plan.

8 pts

Average / 5 – 6 Points / The case analysis accomplished some of the 6 SLO’s for Research and satisfactorily supports the institutions Research Quality Enhancement Plan.

6 pts

Below Average / 3 – 4 Points / The case analysis accomplished little of the 6 SLO’s for Research and does not satisfactorily support the institutions Research Quality Enhancement Plan.

4 pts

Failure / 0 – 2 Points / The case analysis accomplished none of the 6 SLO’s for Research and does not satisfactorily support the institutions Research Quality Enhancement Plan.

2 pts

10 pts


view longer description

threshold: 1 pts

Meets Expectations

1 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

0 pts


view longer description

threshold: 1 pts

Meets Expectations

1 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

0 pts


view longer description

threshold: 1 pts

Meets Expectations

1 pts

Does Not Meet Expectations

0 pts

Total Points: 100

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