cmn 756 article review
you are expected to (1) read the selected article carefully and thoughtfully so that you fully understand it, (2) prepare a 2-3 page outline of that article’s contents, and (3) present a 10-12 minute informative talk about that article to the seminar. Details for the outline and talk follow.
The Outline:
At the top of the first page of your outline provide an accurate citation for the article or chapter using a proper style format. An article citation should consist of author, title, journal, year, volume number, issue number, and pages. Prepare the outline using a consistent system of symbols with proper indentation that exhibits idea relationships in the work outlined.
The Review:
After you have prepared the outline, plan a 10-12 minute presentation. The presentation should start with an introduction. When introducing your review, state the article’s thesis. Be sure to explain how the article relates to an important idea or issue or theme relevant to rhetorical studies of display. The body of the presentation should (1) explain clearly the main analytical points of the essay and (2) illustrate those analytical points with clarifying examples. Good examples will enrich the content of your talk and stimulate interest. Examples preferably should be drawn from the author’s study. If visual illustrations are needed, then reproduce and append them to your outline. (Do NOT pass around a single copy or hold up an image on an 11†x 8.5†piece of paper.) The conclusion should (1) evaluate whether the study disclosed important rhetorical aspects of the display examined and (2) determine whether the author’s approach could be used to study other displays, with a specific example.