communicating a policy change assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to have you create both a letter and a memorandum that communicates a policy change. Note: You will create TWO documents for this assignment: a letter and a memo. The memo will be for an internal audience, and the letter will be for an external audience. Below are the instructions for this assignment:

What’s Due This Week

You are the new school superintendent for Midway County Public Schools (MCPS). As the new school superintendent, your first job is to implement and communicate a new dress code that will be enforced starting with the 2019 – 2020 school year.

  • The audience for the memo is the school district staff, principals, and teachers
  • The parents and students are your audience for the letter.

Use the examples in the module and your textbook to help you create these two documents.

NOTE: I am allowing you to create the dress code; however, I want you to be specific (and you can be a little creative in designing) when creating this new dress code. Remember, you are writing this from the school superintendent’s perspective. Make sure you also include the procedures for dealing with students who do not follow the dress code.

You will need the following information to help you create the letter:

School Board’s Address

123 Main Street
Downtown, FL 32801

Parent’s Address

A Student’s Parents
5599 Parent Lane
Downtown, FL 32801