cp final draft 1

This is our final draft but we still have next project to do!

Your CP Final Draft is due by 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, February 8. Remember that this assignment is graded and counts for 30% of your overall course grade. For the policy for late papers, please refer to the course syllabus.

I recommend rereading the CP Prompt one more time before you submit your draft to Canvas:

Contexts Project Prompt

You may also want to reread the CP Draft Guide that we looked at in class in Week 3 and my General Feedback on CP Draft 2:

CP Draft Guide

General Feedback on CP Draft 2


The following rubric will be included as part of my feedback on your CP Final Drafts:

CP Rubric

As noted on the CP Prompt:

  • While both you and your instructor will work to determine an appropriate scope and variety of research for your essay, at a minimum it should draw evidence from 6-8 sources, including TWO scholars in conversation.
  • Your final submission for Part One should be a 1500-2000 word multimodal composition. It should be formatted in MLA style, with parenthetical citations, a Works Cited page, and a descriptive academic title.

Works Cited Page: Instead of your larger bibliography (which might contain sources you are saving for the Advocacy Project), your CP should contain only a Works Cited page. On this Works Cited page, provide the citations only for the sources you cite directly in your Contexts Project. Please do not include your annotations in this work cited page.

Your paper should be submitted as an MS Word file.

Good luck!