create a website html css

You’ll be creating a personal website from scratch. This project will showcase all the HTML and CSS skills you’ve learned. It will also serve as a mini portfolio for you and your work.

Structurally, you’ll be creating a collection of at least five HTML pages. You’ll also have one external style sheet that styles those pages. Each of your pages will, therefore, end up looking like a cohesive body of work.


Your site should have some sort of introduction or home page. It should also have a resume page, a contact page and a page used to show me professional work you’ve created. (It could be a video page or a photo page or a page of writing samples, for example.) The last of the five pages is up to you.

The site will be evaluated based on the user experience, design and organization of your content. Your work should demonstrate your understanding of course material, exercises and skills. You can have any relevant personal content, so long as it remains professional.


  • five HTML pages
    • introduction/home page
    • resume page
    • contact page
    • portfolio page (could be photos, videos, writing samples, etc.)
    • fifth page, up to you (might be a short biography, for example)
  • one external style sheet
  • minimum of 50 style rules
  • at least three photos throughout
  • a consistent menu, appearing on all five pages
  • a thought-out, polished design
  • Evaluation

    Your project will be evaluated based on the following:

    • proper HTML and CSS syntax
    • use of AP Style and correct grammar
    • consideration for best practices in markup and design
    • presentation and use of concepts (box model, floats, divs and spans where necessary, IDs and classes, etc.)