criminal justice hw 2

Which town in NJ is most likely to produce a crime?

Please follow the directions below to access the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s website publishing the crime statistics for the United States every year. The official crime statistics that represent all major crimes reported to the nation’s police departments is called the Uniform Crime Report. The report published is referred to as Crime in the United States. This is published each and every year by the FBI with the help of nearly every local police department in the United States. At the end of the directions, there is a brief assignment for you.

1. Go to the main FBI website for crime statistics (Links to an external site.).

2. Go the section toward the middle of the page under “Publications”. The other headings are just different parts of the crime data. Crime statistics are about one year behind because of data collection from every police department. When you get to the UCR section of the page, click on “2018”, since crime is a year behind.

3. On the next web page in the middle on the left, there is a highlighted link “Go to the offense tables”. You want to click on that link.

4. On the next web page on the right, you want to click on Table 8. It is the city data.

5. Finally, on the next page, click on New Jersey. A table will appear that is quite long. This table reports the major index crime for every municipality in the state of New Jersey for 2018. You will use this table for your discussion forum assignment.

You need to answer the following question: Which NJ town is most likely to produce a crime? Also, why did you choose this town? This is different than the lists that provide “the most dangerous cities”. You can use the data to compare. That is what we are doing. You can use the UCR to see towns that have high crime rates. Please utilize the info in chapter 2. There is a formula that shows the crime rate in chapter 2. Take a look at it.

Your remaining posts should be replies to your classmates comments and posts.

There are images in the file to respond to the two students

Link to help with assignment-