database assignment2 1
This information needs to be done in visio, I will attach a document that the layout of the boxes need to be the same way with connectors.
You are starting to be able to build your database, which is usually half the battle. The other half is getting people to use it (and use it correctly). Generally, it is the fault of the user but us being the great technologist that we are, need to find a way to fool proof our system a bit more. That way it is even more their fault than ours 😊. So how do we do this? Documentation.
Right now, you have a relatively well created set of tables in your schema. We need make sure that others can easily navigate your schema. A common industry product for doing this is Visio. There are countless others (and I mean countless). But generally, if you are using a windows system at work, you can almost count on most users being somewhat comfortable seeing Visio Diagrams.
Your diagram should consist of the following –
-Primary Keys
-Foreign Keys
-Cardinality – 1:1, 1:M, M:N – Please use Chen style –
To get you started, please find the attached Visio document and build off of that.
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