Does 1+1=2? Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Does 1+1=2?

Educational democracy 

1) Some understanding of the relationship between wealth and higher education in the US

2) Some tools for tracing the interplay of schools and war in the US

3) A beginning analysis of federal and state funding policy, the resultant privatization of higher education, and how to navigate that as a student

Mon 11/15 The GI Bill & Higher Education

(November 11, 2019). From Boots to Books: Student Veterans and the New GI Bill (Links to an external site.). American Radio Works documentary from American Public Media. A 52 min podcast documentary about the old and new GI Bill.

(2017) Fail State (Links to an external site.). A 93 min documentary about public higher education in the US. [link is to a zoom screening]

Higher Ed Data:

Young, Jeffrey R. (Dec 22, 2020). Forgetting Is a Feature, Not a Bug: How the Brain ‘Grasps’ New Concepts (Links to an external site.). EdSurge Podcast from EdSurge. A 25 min podcast about the importance of forgetting to remembering. Sorry, no transcript…

(Aug 20, 2018). Changing Class: Are Colleges Helping Americans Move Up? (Links to an external site.) American Radio Works documentary from American Public Media. A 52 min podcast documentary about the changing role of universities in driving inequality.

Opong, Diana, and Douglis, Sylvie (February 1, 2021). 5 Steps To Shake The Feeling That You’re An Impostor (Links to an external site.). Life Kit from NPR. A 21 min podcast about how to assume your place in life.

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