ece 101 week 1 discussion

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 1 and 9 of your textbook and review the interactive timeline Early Childhood Education 101 Timeline (Links to an external site.). From the 1600s to today, the education of young children in the United States has changed dramatically and has been influenced by social, economic, and political events and trends. To develop a better understanding of these events, view the Early Childhood Education 101 Timeline (Links to an external site.). (Links to an external site.)

  • Choose at least two events from the timeline that you feel have had the greatest impact on early childhood education: the Kindergarten Movement, Founding of the National Association for the Education of Young (NAEYC), Sputnik, and so forth.
  • Briefly summarize each event in your own words.
  • Explain how you think each event will impact your work in early childhood education.
  • Support your summary and explanation with a reference to the textbook. Include this reference in your post.