essay 3 draft and peer review

See the following link for information on doing the peer review:…

For this week’s workshop, submit your draft. After you submit your draft, you will be randomly assigned 2 drafts to edit. Please use this review sheet as a basis for commenting on the drafts. The drafts to review will appear when you click again on this assignment, and the click on the drafts to review. After you have clicked on a draft to review, respond to it by using the button on the right to attach this completed review sheet document, or pasting it in the comment box. A check mark will show that you completed the peer review; a road caution sign /! shows that the peer review is still incomplete. Submitting your draft and doing each peer review will each count for .66 or .67 points. Note: the due date for submitting the draft is Tues. 5/7 and peer reviews will be randomly assigned then to those who have submitted a draft. Though the assignment due date says Tues. 5/7, peer reviews will be submitted after that by Thurs. 5/9.

ENGL 126 Essay 3: Creative Research Paper Peer Review Sheet

Peer Editing WORKSHOP:

By Tues. 5/7 at midnight: Submit rough Draft of Essay #3

By Thurs. 5/9 at midnight: Responses due to two other students’ drafts

Writer: write your title and critical question on your draft so your reviewer will know what it is.

Writer’s Name:__________________ Peer editor’s Name:___________________

For our peer editing workshop this week, you will be reviewing drafts of 2 of your classmates. The purpose of peer review is for you to help each other advance beyond the current draft toward the finished paper. To best achieve this purpose, try first to describe what this draft is doing and then move on to suggestions for making the paper more effective. Your goal is not to judge but rather to mirror and offer specific advice.

  1. Describe how the writer introduces the subject and purpose of the paper. What is the writer arguing? How is the writer’s topic defined and framed? Is the topic clear to a general reader who may not know much about it? What would make the introduction more effective and engaging?
  1. Describe how the writer establishes and explores the historical and cultural context of the topic being analyzed. More specifically, what question or questions is the analysis addressing? Does the analysis respond to the critical question? Or do you think the critical question should be changed? What points could be more effectively established and explored to set up and then follow through on the analysis?
  2. Describe how the writer projects his or her own writing voice clearly while appropriately using sources to support his or her ideas. Does the writer consistently use appropriate quotations and examples from the key sources to set the stage for analysis? How can the writer provide a more vivid sense of and deeper insight into the topic? Consider attention to primary sources, which are the raw materials of your research process, such as field work, writings by the person in question, government documents, newspaper articles, advertisements, first-person accounts, and literary works. Note and suggest what the writer might do for 3 pieces of field work, from 2 different categories (interviews, observation, and participation).
  1. Describe how the writer uses sources to respond to the critical question. How can the sources be used more effectively? In secondary sources, scholars use primary sources to interpret your topic or its historical and cultural context. Examples are books, scholarly journal articles, encyclopedia articles, and critical commentaries in the newspaper, magazines, and elsewhere.

List below what you liked, suggestions for improvement, and a brief outline: