extra credit 31

is NOT a group assignment complete alone, using your text (Extra Credit worth 10 points) Bring to next class, not accepted late. (1)explain where the company https://fortune.com/2019/03/15/united-parcel-servi… early stages, middle stages and advanced stages of organizational development diversity and inclusion model—Text: Communication to Fit Organizational Stages of Development: A Generic Organization Development Diversity and Inclusion Model (2)How do they get to the next level if they are at the early or middle stage?

(3) a. Go to: http://creativethinking.net/your-theory-determines… Provide your information above (your choices/the results/what the exercise stated about your choice). b. What does it mean “you see only that which confirms your theory?” c. Please state what question two above has to do with diversity and inclusion viewpoints.