for this assignment you will read examples of school district audits that have been completed by the state auditor s office
For this assignment you will read examples of school district audits that have been completed by the State Auditor’s Office.
Each candidate will be required to submit a written analysis of one of the audits using the following outline:
- What were the areas to be audited? Examples of specific areas are student enrollment, authorized positions, occupational-vocational Division II funds.
- For each area, provide a summary for:
- What agreed upon procedures were documented in the audit?
- Summarize the criteria used;
- Summarize the condition documented by the audit team;
- Summarize any prior year findings and recommendations and if the district followed through with corrective action from the prior audit.
- What agreed upon procedures were documented in the audit?
- Summarize the District response to the findings.
- The most important section of this paper:
- Comment on the following:
- Are you satisfied with the District response?
- Would you recommend any additional information in the response so that the district can avoid a similar finding in the future?
- Comment on the following: