hi i need someone to do my topic its 4 dissicution and each one is different than the other

First Topic:

Drive: Topic 1

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Think about your current role in school and work. Which do you utilize more: Left Brain or Right Brain capacities? Do you agree or disagree with Dan Pink’s assertion that Left Brain capacities are being de-emphasized and Right Brain capacities are becoming predominant?

Directions: Do some outside research on this topic. Find a credible link and include it in your response. I’d like you to try to explain what you’ve discovered from the source before you answer the questions above. Or, you can include this outside information in your answer altogether. I’m basically looking to see which students in class still rely on Wikipedia to get their information, and which students spend hours fact-checking their info. before making an ideological commitment.

Things to consider: Where did your info. come from? Who or what entity published it? Who wrote it? Did you cross reference it? How do you know the information you’re looking at is reliable and true?

Second Topic

Drive: Topic 2

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What motivates you to do your best work? In what situations does the “carrot/stick” approach work for you? When does it not work?

Directions: Before answering the questions above, I’d like you to read the original study by Deci and Ryan (http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.). I’m not expecting you to be an expert reader of scholarship, but I do expect you to pull important (perhaps conclusive) information from the study. Imagine you were summarizing the study for a good friend or for another professor. Perhaps your auntie asks you at dinner this Sunday, “What are you reading in school?” So before you answer the questions above, tell us a little bit about the study. I would argue 500 words or less is adequate for this Discussion Board post.

topic 3

Drive: Topic 3

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Does Pink underplay the importance of *earning a living? Is his view of Motivation 3.0 a bit too utopian–that is, is Pink, if you’ll pardon the pun, too rosy?

*be sure to pay attention to his argument regarding “baseline pay.”

Topic 4

Drive: Topic 4

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What are the things that truly motivate you? Now think about the last week. How many of those 168 hours were devoted to these things? Can you do better?

And all it should be about 500 words or more