i want essay about art using the information attached pdf and youtube link
Total points for lesson one assignments 30 points
Written Essays (24 points)
Essays should be double-spaced and font size 11 – 12 point. Total length for all essays together should be 2 to 2.5 pages. Use the point numbers for each essay to help you determine the expected length for each essay. Make sure your descriptions are thorough, clear and precise. Be sure to edit, proof-read and correct spelling errors. Number each essay and organize the content so that it is easy to read. Use bullets as necessary but don’t over-use. Be clear and thorough in your descriptions. Save your essays as a file (word, rtf, or open office only) and upload onto Blackboard.
1.1. What are the purposes and functions of art? List and describe the six purposes and functions of visual art provided in the text and give examples that you see in your own life. 6 points
2.2. Explain the concept and characteristics of creativity presented in the text. How are you creative in your own life? How do you see people you know being creative? Remember, creativity does not apply only to the visual arts. 5 points
3.3. Using the terms for subject matter, compare and contrast the differences between the two sculptures, fig. 1.18 The Kiss by Rodin and fig. 1.19 The Kiss by Brancusi. (source: Preble’s Artforms, Chapter 1, page 14) 3 points
4. 4. Watch the YouTube video (link below) that explores art, patterns, and science. Write your comments about this video and find a YouTube video that connects art to another subject (science, history, culture, mathematics, music, etc.). Include the URL, describe what you like about the video and why you chose it. 10 points