java assignments 5

There are very simple two assignment. Please follow the instructions.

Module 2 lab

In this lab, you will design an event driven JavaFX animation application that simulates a racing car image. The car moves from left to right. When it hits the right end, it restarts from the left and continues the same process. Let the user pause/resume the animation with the left mouse button press/release, and increase/decrease the car speed by pressing the up and down arrow key.

Lab 2 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeZip file

2.0 Pts

Your project unzips and opens in NetBeans

1.0 Pts

Zip file turned in but missing files and/or folders

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeCarPane class

5.0 Pts

Full Marks

Coded, easy to read, appropriate use of comments

3.0 Pts

Coded, but minor logic errors or code is difficult to follow.

2.0 Pts

Coded but syntax or other major errors.

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeCarRacing class

8.0 Pts

Full Marks

Coded, car moves across the screen when the application runs

6.0 Pts

Coded, but minor logic errors or code is difficult to follow.

4.0 Pts

Coded but syntax or other major errors.

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeMouse button event

2.0 Pts

Coded, pauses movement when left mouse button is down

1.0 Pts

Coded but it doesn’t quite work

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeKey event

3.0 Pts

Coded, up/down keys increase/decrease speed

2.0 Pts

Coded but 1 key isn’t working

1.0 Pts

Coded but neither key works

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

3.0 pts

Total points: 20.0

Module 3 Lab

Lab 3 Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeFile selection

3.0 Pts

Uses JFileChooser and allows the user to select a file. Selected file is the file that plays.

2.0 Pts

The default file is the file that plays at least

1.0 Pts

Errors selecting/loading file but you tried to get this right.

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeFile name display

2.0 Pts

Name of the file playing is displayed in a label control

0.0 Pts

Not working or not submitted

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomePlay button

3.0 Pts

Coded, plays file 1 time

2.0 Pts

Coded, but getting errors trying to play the file

0.0 Pts

Not working at all or not submitted

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeLoop button

3.0 Pts

Coded, plays file continuously

2.0 Pts

Coded, plays file but not repeating

1.0 Pts

Coded, but getting errors trying to play the file

0.0 Pts

Not working at all or not submitted

3.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeStop button

2.0 Pts

Coded, stops file playback

1.0 Pts

Coded but not working

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeVolume control

2.0 Pts

Volume can be set before starting playback

1.0 Pts

Coded but not working

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeGUI

2.0 Pts

Layout is intuitive and reasonably clean

1.0 Pts

Okay, you built a GUI bit it’s hard to figure out what’s what

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

2.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeJava code in general

3.0 Pts

Readable, structured, descriptive variable names, appropriate use of comments

2.0 Pts

It’s hard to follow what you’re doing

0.0 Pts

Not submitted

3.0 pts

Total points: 20.0