leadership self reflection portfolio chapter 1 2

Here, we ask you to begin developing a leadership profolio that will be a personal document of your leader ship capabilities and experience in each chapter, we will recommend new entries for your portfolio. At the same time, we encourage you to use your imagination and determining what constitutes a suitable addition to your leadership portfolio.

We suggest you begin your portfolio with a personal mission statement that explains that type of leader ship you plan to practice. An example may be, ”I intend to become a well-respected corporate professional, a key member of a happy and healthy family, and a contributor to my community. I aspire to lead many people so it’s constructive activities.” devote a special select shown to leadership experience. These experience can be from the job, community and religious activities, and sports.

Use five of these traits, trustworthiness, assertiveness, Enthusiasm, optimism, and warmth; self-confidence characteristics. For each of these attributes, explain why you think you have it. %00-word and APA format.