length 200 words minimum format font mla arial or times new roman 12pt schools and businesses require verification before a research project can be undertaken proposals provide justification that the need for a study exists and details the method by

i have already written the research proposal but the teacher want me to redo it please i want you to read the instructions carefully and the comments of the teacher on my essay and redo it please look at the attachments and look at my research proposal and redo it

Length: 200 words (minimum) Format/Font: MLA/Arial or Times New Roman, 12pt Schools and businesses require verification before a research project can be undertaken. Proposals provide justification that the need for a study exists and details the method by which the study will be conducted. Proposals differ based upon the discipline, teacher preferences, or organization and may require additional information. For this class, you will need to: Explain the situation and what you are proposing to research State why this topic is worthy of investigation–answer the “so what” question by informing the audience of the need to be concerned State what methods you are going to use—think sources, the data you will use, and how you plan organize your paper