locate and review a total of 4 research articles on the topic of obesity in the us

Current Topics in Health and Wellness Management

APA Formatting

Graduate level writing

Must be a minimum of 400 words

4 or more references

1.Locate a total of 4 research articles on the topic of Obesity in the US.

  • One research article should include definitions and a description of obesity in the US.
  • One research article should look into a specific population.
  • One research article should look into a specific socioeconomic class.
  • The last research article should showcase suggestions on future research and/or obesity prevention methods.

2.List and provide a brief description of each chosen article.

3.How can the data you presented influence Obesity trends in the US? Specifically discuss data driven decisions you would make to assist the US in reaching Healthy People 2020 goals and objectives. Make sure to use a population within HP 2020 that you are currently or plan to work with in the future.

Health People 2020 – https://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topics-objectiv…