mediating the palestinian israeli dispute

Answer one of the following questions:

1. From the perspective of an Israeli statesman, which would be the most and least suitable of the listed organizations for serving as the mediator in the next round of negotiations with the Palestinians over the issue of statehood for the Palestinians. Be sure to explain the reasons behind your judgments of the two organizations’ suitability/unsuitability.

The United Nations
The United States
The Arab League
A country like Norway that has no ulterior motives, is not militarily strong or located nearby

2. From the perspective of a Palestinian leader, which would be the most and least suitable of the listed organizations for serving as the mediator in the next round of negotiations with Israel over the issue of statehood for the Palestinians. Be sure to explain the reasons behind your judgments of the two organizations’ suitability/unsuitability.

The United Nations
The United States
The Arab League
A country like Norway that has no ulterior motives, is not militarily strong or located nearby

Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 350 words. Support your analysis with research from at least 2 sources and cite those sources appropriately. Please respond to at least 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 150 words and include direct questions.