my cultural baggage 1

Write a 2-3-page paper, typed, and double-spaced in which you discuss your personal journey using the guidelines below. Use anecdotes, provide examples, and most importantly, MAKE IT PERSONAL!

  • Consider your racial/ethnic heritage; reflect upon your known and unknown ancestry (roots).Also indicate the accompanying attitudes and feelings of significant others in your life toward culturally different groups.
  • Review your personal and family values.Give examples of how your values are expressed in your everyday life (e.g., family, work, relationships, etc.).
  • Identify your own cultural group (as distinguished by language, music, food, religion, region, dress, education, socio-economic class, sexuality, gender, etc.).How has your racial/ethnic/cultural identity affected the way you interact with others, and the way others interact with you?
  • Discuss any cultural conflicts you have experienced directly or vicariously, e.g., cultural adjustment, values conflict, general confusion, delights …!