Paper-Question Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help



organizational is a large hospital system that has just had a huge Ransomware attack. 320,000 patients that their health information may have been exposed in a ransomware attack. The ransomware incident took the network off line for 6 days. Non-emergency medical procedures were cancelled due to the lack of access to the electronic health record system and other computers. Providers and clinicians were forced to pen and paper, to allow patient care to continue. Your organization has been in the news with many negative stories about the cyber breach.  As a result, you need to create the following:

  1. A cybersecurity breach emergency response plan. 
  2. A business continuity plan to address this issue new and in the future. 
  3. A crisis communication team
  4. A crisis communications plan
  5. The benefits to the organization of these plans and final conclusions

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