part 1 finance and budgeting paper 3 pages with references based on submitted paperwork and table part 2 10 15 slide powerpoint based on paper

Module 3 – Assignment – Finance and Budgeting


  1. Based on your proposed organization and structure for the GAH and the Community Clinic, we will now focus on financing and budgeting issues.
  2. In order to do so, we will need to define the following requirements and assumptions:
    1. Cost of facility construction, initial medical equipment, and instrumentation, will not be calculated – as they will be fully paid by the state as a grant.
    2. All senior patients will be above the age of 65, and will have only the Federal Medicare health insurance. Research the major constructs of Medicare health coverage as defined by the “Medicare Prospective Payment System.”
    3. The hospital and clinic will be financially balanced, that is, income from Medicare payments will cover in full all operating costs.
  3. “Medicare Prospective Payment System”
    1. The hospital is reimbursed by the government per procedure and/or treatment by a predefined sum and not by the actual expenses performed for and on a particular patient.
    2. For example – a patient requiring open heart surgery will utilize the services of physicians, nurses, OR, laboratory, pharmacy, and occupies a hospital bed on average for six days. If a certain patient is discharged after four days, the hospital will still be paid the six-day amount. Hence, the incentive to operate efficiently and effectively, enabling the hospital to “save money.”
  4. Prepare (based on the table provided), a forecast of profit or loss for GAH for the first year of operation.
  5. Conclusions and Recommendations.

PART 2 POWERPOINT 10-15 slides based on above paper

  1. Do not attempt to dazzle your audience with psychedelic visual effects, multi colors, and eye-boggling animations.
  2. Do not just copy and paste your case text into the slides.
  3. Focus on the content and what message you want to get across to the board.
  4. Think Audience – Ensure that all slides are viewable (i.e., relevant text in viewable font size.)
  5. “one picture is worth a thousand words” – include graphs, diagrams, etc., as appropriate.
  6. Do not use all caps except for titles.
  7. Keep the background consistent and subtle.
  8. Use only enough text when using charts or graphs to explain; clearly label the graphic.
  9. Keep the design clean and uncluttered. Leave empty space around the text and graphics.
  10. Check the spelling and grammar.

  1. The number of slides per module should be about 10-15.
  2. Prepare and submit the sectional/modular slides for each module
  1. Finance and Budgeting –
  2. Conclusions and Recommendations –