personally identifiable information
Personally identifiable information (PII) is any information that can identify an individual.
Review the NIST Special Publication 800-122 “Guide to Protecting the Confidentiality of Personally Identifiable Information (PII). In an APA formatted document answer the following:
- What is considered PII information?
- How to protect PII information?
- What are the categories of PII and how to determine what types are considered for the categories?
- What should occur if a breach happens?
- Did this article mention others to reference for more information? If so identify the source.
- How should an organization address data fields?
- Explain Intranet Activity Tracking
- What security controls and safeguard’s should be implemented (recommendations)
Do not simply copy the content from the article that can be considered as plagiarism, in your own words explain and answer the above question in a research paper format.
- APA Formatted Document
- Minimum 3 pages