philosophy paper 58

You will write a three-page paper (approximately 1,000 words) based the readings we have covered thus far from Homer (The Iliad) and/or Plato (The Republic). Choose a topic that focuses on one or the other or the interaction of both. The list below provides a few possible suggestions. Be sure you have a clear thesis based on your main idea and use the paper to support your thesis.

Possible Topics

  • Discuss one of Socrates’s arguments about imitative poetry in depth (this may require a little extra reading):
    • Imitation as doing more than one job
    • Poetry as an imitation of an imitation
    • The “greatest accusation” against the poet (that it can “ruin good men”)
  • Video games as imitative poetry
  • Social media as imitative poetry (creating a fictional version of yourself)
  • A dialogue between Socrates and Homer about the merits of the Iliad
  • How does the Iliad influence our modern entertainment modes such as movies and television?
  • How do family values reflected in the Iliad differ from our contemporary family values and which way makes more sense and why?
  • What issues does Socrates have with the gods as they are depicted in the Iliad?
  • Explore the themes of war versus peace or honor and pride versus mercy and forgiveness in the Iliad

As with all written work, we expect to see thoughtful, well-written, and grammatically correct prose befitting an upper-level college course. Please be mindful of the usual standards of academic integrity and ensure that you cite all sources used in your paper (Turabian or MLA format preferred).