Photography Project Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Photography Project

  1. a description of the overall style and characteristics of that photographer. Make your description thoughtful and in-depth., in full paragraph style, 5-6 sentences that discuss how their subjects, photographic technique, use of light, point of view, etc… make them unique. 
  2. an explanation of why he/she is important to the history of photography. Make your description thoughtful and in-depth.,  in full paragraph style, 5-6 sentences that consider their timing, innovation, the subjects they are known for, their influence on others, and any other details that demonstrate their importance. 
  3. an explanation of what you personally find exciting and interesting about that photographer; Make your explanation thoughtful and in-depth,  in full paragraph style, 5-6 sentences. 
  4. for each photograph that you include, write a paragraph to explain why you selected that photograph, and how it reflects the qualities of your photographer that you have chosen to focus on.  Make your explanation thoughtful and in-depth, in full paragraph style, 5-6 sentences. 

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