
Behavior Change.

If you recall my order of behavior change that I requested about two three week ago. This paper should be about that behavior change. I will be attaching the file for all the previous weekly behavior change written. And from here you can follow the instructions on how to write the paper AND Please follow the instruction very carefully and try to cover them all in writing about the behavior change.

  • Please write a short paper (4 pages max.) including the following points:
    • Identify the “problem” you will have spent the quarter addressing in your behavior change.
    • Evaluate your experience, including an analysis of the effect of your change, with the best measures you can make (for example, how many gallons of gasoline you saved, what percent of days you went without a sugary soda, or how many kilowatt-hours of electricity you conserved), and a summary of your personal perspective.
    • Discuss the significance of your change if it were widespread—how would society change if “everyone did it”? What marketing opportunities might be presented by this behavior change if a number of consumers took it on? Identify the marketing methods that might be used to effect widespread behavior change.
    • Discuss the barriers/challenges you encountered and the strategies you found to be most effective, if any, and consider the marketing relevance—if this behavior change effort were a large-scale campaign, how might those challenges and opportunities be addressed in the structure of the campaign?

12pt, Times, double-spaced, MLA format. And let me know if you have any questions. Also Please read the feedback posted at end of each week in the attached file to follow the paper in the right directions. try to provide a table at the end to explain the hours if possible