pol sci 7 week 5 discussion u s in or out of the i c c
Question: Should the United States join the International Criminal Court? Would U.S. membership help promote international justice or would it expose American officials and service-people to politically motivated harassment?
Choose if you support/oppose American membership in or out of the ICC, by defending your position with either logical arguments or contemporary or historical facts.
Required Readings and Sources:
Textbook: Perspectives on International Relations: Power, Institutions, and Ideas, 6th ed (Links to an external site.). — Henry R. Nau, Sage/CQ Press, 2018. ISBN: 978-1506396224.
Chapter 6: Liberal Perspectives on Today’s World Collective Security, Diplomacy, International Institutions, and Law
Chapter 7: Identity Perspectives on Today’s World Democracy, Religion, Nationalism, and Human Rights
***Associated Powerpoints are attached below for Chapter 6 and 7***
Grading Guidelines:
(1) A clear introduction that addresses directly the question posed by the instructor;
(2) A body of factual examples that support your thesis; these examples may be drawn from either the assigned readings or footnoted sources researched independently by the student; Wikipedia is not an appropriate source for academic essays;
(3) A coherent paragraph structure that highlights your main points; and
(4) Appropriate citations for materials drawn from the works of others; plagiarized threads will be penalized.
(5) Should be approximately 600 words in length.