powerpointe presentation Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

powerpointe presentation


Issues in World Literature: Diversity and Debate 

Do you know the song ‘It’s a Small World After All’? It tells us that we all have a common bond: our humanity, and the planet we share. The lyrics suggest that we should focus on our similarities rather than our differences to bring about a peaceful world. While this is an admirable sentiment, it is easy to see that all too often, injustice and oppression within society prevent us from achieving that ideal ‘small world’ unity. 

Overall, literature has proven to be one of the best ways to understand and combat the difficult social or other issues that shape our world. A few of the social issues that literature primarily wrestles with are age/aging, gender, ethnicity, human rights, Climate change, destruction of nature, large scale conflict/wars, inequality (income, discrimination) poverty, religious conflicts, government accountability, and transparency/corruption…. 

PowerPoint slide with picture and briefly summarize about different race how to find we are the similar how to peace and love either other


Introduce your issue by giving a brief overview of it. 



Introduce the literary work(s) you will connect with the issue and the reason for your choices. 


Present your analysis – with visuals 


Summarize your main points and thank the audience for their attention 


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