price and value
Discuss question must have a total 250 or more word count. Must be written in apa format and must be cited with scholarly sources.
My thoughts price does not necessarily because sometimes when you purchase clothing higher priced items typically have quality material. But as a consumer I tend to wait for sales and coupons to purchase those items that have better quality and a better fit. I have also purchased expensive tires that that were not necessarily a better tire .sometimes it depends on the brand that may be best for your particular vehicle. If pricing is the what seems to be the visible differentiation then firm must become competitive by offering coupons ,buy on get one half off or use a advertisement strategy that shows that details why their product is better.
Discuss question below:
- Discuss the relationship of price to value. Does a low price necessarily mean a better value?
- Give an example to illustrate your opinion. How can a firm offer good value in a mature market where price seems to be the only visible means of differentiation?
- Support your post with scholarly RESEARCH on price and value.