proposal for an empirical study


Proposal for an empire study

(previous week work attached + Rubic)

10 pages

This week you will switch gears, and instead of following the same format as Week 2-6, you will use the information from those weeks to develop a proposal for an empirical study based on the theoretical foundation developed and application gaps identified through the project. You are to focus your proposal towards the music business

Introduction: Provide an opening overview for your readers – gain interest and reading attention.

Problem Statement/Research Questions: Based on your secondary research and your proposed application within the music business, where are the gaps? By determining the gaps, you can formulate questions for your own primary research.

Deliverables: Present a problem statement and two (2) – three (3) research questions, each with a brief explanation of why this question is important to answer. This is a good place to begin gaining buy-in from your readers – get them interested in why these questions need answering. (1 page)

Assumptions: Construct an assumption for each research question. While Qualitative research usually does not include hypotheses, simply state anticipated outcomes.

Deliverables: Present your assumption(s) for each research question, each with a brief explanation of why you anticipate this outcome. (1 page)

Research Methodology: How will you answer your research questions? How will you conduct your research? What kind of tools will you use (surveys, interviews, observations, experiments, etc.)? Because you have not been working with this topic for very long, you might not be sure of the best tools, but what do you think makes sense at this point?

Because this proposal is for an empirical study, you will need to choose a method(s) that involves primary research. Using both qualitative and quantitative methods (also referred to as mixed methods) can be useful to gain a more comprehensive view within your research.

Deliverables: Provide an outline of your methodology – the methodology should be used to address all three (3) proposed research questions. (2 pages)

Data Source: From where will you collect your data? Who/what will be your subjects? Depending on your research, it might make sense to study policies and practices, or people. The answers to these questions do not have to be very specific yet, but should provide a general idea of where your data will come from.

Deliverables: Provide an overview of your anticipated data source(s). (1 page)

Proposal Closing: Reports often just drop off at the end; provide a closing to avoid this drop off in your proposal. *This final proposal section should be a maximum of 6 pages.

Submission Instructions:

Submit your paper as a Word document.

APA formatting, proper in-text citations, and references are required for all written submissions.

Review the attached rubric before submitting.

You will need to submit your paper to BOTH this assignment AND Turnitin separately. Turnitin is used to check for issues of plagiarism. Find the Turnitin Submission area directly below this assignment.

Readings & Resources

Attached Files:

  • See Attachment

Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Essentials of Organizational Behavior. (14th ed.). New York, Pearson.

  • Chapter 2: Diversity in Organizations

The final text reading focuses on various facets of diversity within the workplace.

While this text has served as an optional, supplemental resource throughout the course, this week, Chapter 2 is a required reading. If you do not have the Robbins and Judge textbook, Chapter 2 is attached here for you.

Objective: To compile multiple article reviews of key Organizational Behavior (OB) topics and to build a toolbox of useful OB measures for your organization, and ultimately to develop a proposal for an empirical study based on the theoretical foundation developed and application gaps identified through project work in weeks 2-6.

The first goal of this project is to develop an OB-focused quality improvement plan that will be based on your findings in the literature. You will be compiling article reviews while developing an actual plan to enhance the quality of organizational behavior in an organization. Essentially, through the article reviews, you are developing a foundation for a theoretical paper, however, at the end of the project, you will determine how your findings may serve as the basis for an empirical study as well. The proposal for this empirical research is the second goal of this project.

In weeks 2-6, the research questions are already formulated for you; these questions are broad, and would need to be narrowed for future research, however, they will serve to build a base of literature on these topics. At the end of the term, you will have the opportunity to develop your own research questions and assumptions, so if you think of interesting questions and/or hypotheses as you go, it is a good idea to write them down for later.

A literature review is an organized compilation of information that already exists on a particular topic, and can help to answer a particular question. By the end of Week 6, you will have multiple article reviews that can serve as a base for a more in-depth literature review. A literature review is an important foundation for a dissertation because it sets up the information, allowing opportunities for further research to be conducted to fill in gaps or explore new theories. Over the next weeks, you will be conducting article reviews each week, that can be blended together for a more comprehensive overview of organizational behavior. This compiled work would serve well as an introduction for a more in-depth literature review on any one aspect of organizational behavior.

With each article review, you will also be relating the information specifically to your organization or industry. In the end, you will have a tool box of OB components that can be applied to specific situations, or fused together into a cohesive OB program.

In the application sections, you are asked to reference an organization that you are familiar with, this organization can be a current or past employer (management or employee perspective), affiliation organization (member perspective), or an academic institute (student perspective), as long as you have enough knowledge of the organization to complete the related work items. You may alter the “work” wording to fit the environment to which you are referring. Always remember to align your application development with the organization’s mission and stakeholders

Week 2

Research Question(s):How can OB efforts be carried out through HR functions to better understand and respond to change?

HR functions include: •HRM Strategy •Recruitment •Selection •Training and Development

Week 3

Research Question(s):1.What is the role of ethics in the design and implementation of OB programs? 2. What are the strategic and lower-level challenges of implementing OB programming?

Week 4

Research Question(s):1. What are the impacts of perception and attribution on organizational decision-making? 2. How do employee perception and attribution specifically effect individual, group, and organizational function?

Week 5

Research Question(s):How is OB impacted by leadership style (choose one (1) or more leadership theories/styles of interest to you

Week 6

Research Question(s):1. What are the main factors that impact (job) satisfaction? 2. What are current key measures of employee performance (you may narrow this to a specific industry/job)? 3. How does organizational behavior affect overall quality of work, and culture?