questions for raising cain book chapter 10 12

The attached file is chapter 10-12 of Raising Cain book

Answer each questions below at least 300 words.

  1. According to Thompson and Kindlon, “The fact that relationships don’t come easily and naturally for many—even most—boys is the result of the conflict they experience between several powerful forces in their psyches and the failure of their emotional education to prepare them for the work of intimacy and relationship.” Discuss this quotation. What are the “powerful forces” in boys’ psyches that Thompson and Kindlon are referring to? In what ways does our culture deny boys the tools that they need for relationships?
  2. Does anything you have read in Chapter 9—or elsewhere in this book—help explain the kinds of male behavior that the “me too” movement is intent on exposing and stopping?
  3. Kindlon and Thompson say that “everyone has a theory about what makes children violent.” What is their theory about what makes boys turn to violence? In other words, how do they explain the violent behavior of boys? What do you think of their ideas and why?
  4. Kindlon and Thompson say that in our culture men “are rarely celebrated for moral or emotional courage.” What is moral and emotional courage? What might be some examples of this kind of courage? How does it differ from the kinds of courage that boys are encouraged to have?
  5. Throughout this book, Kindlon and Thompson have been talking about “the big impossible.” Why do they think that our culture’s expectations for boys are “impossible”? Do you agree with them? What are some specific expectations that they think are impossible? What do you think?
  6. Kindlon and Thompson make seven suggestions that aim “to transform the way you nurture and protect the emotional life of the boy in your life.” Choose one of these suggestions and talk about why it might or might not be an effective way to approach some of the problems this book has discussed.
  7. Kindlon and Thompson say that they hope their book would cause the reader to “examine his or her deepest assumptions about boys”? As a reader, do you think the book has succeeded? Have any of your assumptions about boys been challenged, and if so, which assumptions?