questions for raising cain book chapter 7 9

The attached file is chapter 7-9 of Raising Cain book

Answer each questions below at least 300 words.

1. What are some of the causes of the “emotional isolation” that Kindlon and Thompson say boys experience in American culture? What are some of the consequences of this emotional isolation? Relate your discussion to both the examples in the book and your own observations and experience.

2. How do the codes of masculinity contribute to boys’ experience of depression in this culture? Kindlon and Thompson have been talking throughout the book about the “emotional miseducation of boys.” What do they mean by this, and how does it relate to the topics of depression and suicide? Relate your discussion both to the examples in the book and your own observations and experience.

3. In what ways do the codes of masculinity in American culture contribute to the problems that many boys and men develop with alcohol and drugs?

4. What connections can you make between Raising Cain and The Mask You Live In? What ideas come up in the documentary that relate to what you have read in Raising Cain?

5. Western travelers in the developing world are often surprised to see men holding hands with other men in the streets. These men are usually not gay (although–of course–some of them might be). Uganda and several other African countries have recently passed Draconian anti-gay laws, and yet, as Melinda Ozongwu explains in “I Want to Hold Your Hand: Bro-Love in Uganda,” in many African countries, including Uganda, it is normal for straight men to hold hands with other straight men in public. Ozongwu also points out that same-sex hand-holding was common in the U.S. in the 19th Century before awareness of homosexuality (and consequent homophobia) became so common in the West. How can you relate this phenomenon to anything we have read for this class, including the content of Raising Cain? What does the contrast between these different ideas of same-sex affection say about the nature of gender norms?

6. What are the qualities of a good academic essay?

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