Ransaction Processing Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems, And Supply Chain Management Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Ransaction Processing Systems, Customer Relationship Management Systems, And Supply Chain Management


Due by 6/11/2018 5 PM EST

Since Mary has little experience with IT systems, IT Business Services Consultants needs to bring her up to speed by describing the potential benefits of using Transaction Processing Systems (TPS), Customer Relationship Management systems (CRM), functional area information systems, and Supply Chain Management (SCM) in support of Mary’s MediBracelets.

Write a 2- to 3-page report addressing these three popular business systems and how each could benefit Mary’s business.


Mary Smith, the creator of Mary’s Medibracelets, has hired your business, IT Business Services Consultants, to develop a website where customers can purchase specialized medical ID bracelets. You need to advise Ms. Smith of her options and how they can support her business.

In Week Three, you will describe the benefits of using transaction processing systems, customer relationship systems, functional area information systems, and supply chain management.

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