reflection paper about personality test
Writing the TruTalent Reflection
•Please view the grading rubric for Reflection Assignment on LiveText
• Reflections should be 3-5 paragraphs and discuss the following:
• What did you learn about yourself (i.e.: strengths and blind spots, etc.) and
how does it specifically apply to your career considerations? Use specific
examples to support your statements.
• How does this information alter or not alter your perspective or understanding
of what work environments may be best for you. Given the team focused and
project driven environments of the global workforce, compare and contrast
your style with current workforce demands. What adjustments will you need to
make and how will you use this information (or not) to help you make a more
informed career choice? Use specific examples to support your statements.
• As you reflect on your role within teams, which role(s) do you usually fulfill?
How can you use this report (or not) to become a better team member or
communicator? How do your strengths and blind spots support and/or
challenge your ability to be effective in your role(s)?