research chase brexton healthcare organization
Chase Brexton is the health care organization. Attached is the Swot and Competitive anaysis needed to go along with the assisgment.
- Research the organization by visiting its website and, if possible, its location.
- Research the industry in which your organization operates, e.g. nursing homes, private physician practice.
- Using your findings, conduct a SWOT analysis of your organization. Use the SWOT Analysis Worksheet provided under Course Content
- Conduct a competitive analysis of your organization. Use the Competitive Analysis Worksheet provided under Course Content.
Prepare your written assignment by addressing each of the following questions in order:
- What is the mission of the health care organization?
- What are their corporate level goals?
- Who are their customers?
- From your SWOT analysis, what do you conclude are the organization’s main strengths and weaknesses?
- From your SWOT analysis, what do you conclude are the organization’s main opportunities and threats?
- Who are the primary competitors to the organization?
- Do you think the organization has a customer-focused orientation to its practices and procedures? Why or why not?