research paper outline 21

This assignment will help you organize and develop your research paper due for the Unit VI assignment. Your outline should

be at least two pages in length (in addition to your title and reference pages). Your title and reference pages do not count

toward the total page requirement. Your outline should include:

an introductory paragraph introducing your topic;

supporting evidence and all headings and subheadings show parallelism;

all topics mentioned in the Unit VI Research Paper instructions (Refer to your Unit VI Research paper assignment

instructions on how the assignment should be setup);

Include four to six current sources (published within the last five years). These can be your original sources you listed

in the Unit II annotated bibliography or you can include new ones. Make sure you make any corrections from the

feedback given in Unit II.

Ensure that the reference citations are in alphabetical order.

Krogh, D. (2014). Biology: A guide to the natural world (5th ed., technology update). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

A title and reference page that follows correct APA format.