select two popular magazine websites one targeted at men one targeted at women and review the portrayal of gender roles and sexuality in the advertisements
Select two popular magazine websites: (one targeted at men, one targeted at women) and review the portrayal of gender roles and sexuality in the advertisements. In a 3-4-page paper, discuss your observations about the types of images you see in these magazines. Are there differences in the portrayals of gender in the magazine targeted at men and the other targeted at women? What about for sexuality? Are these magazines targeted at straight men? Straight women? How does that inform our understanding of gender being socially constructed? Is the assumption that a mainstream women’s magazine also be targeted towards straight women? Consider how women’s and men’s magazines cover sex as a topic. Be explicit in your analysis and descriptions of the ads.
If you are not aware of any mainstream men’s and women’s magazines, you should do an Internet search for “popular men’s magazines” and “popular women’s magazines.” It is important that you do not search for “gay men’s” or “lesbian” or “trans” magazines because we are looking at what is considered mainstream.
- Write a 3-4-page paper or about 1500 words,