students will be required to attend a live western classical music concert such as a symphony orchestra string quartet chamber ensemble or a solo piano recital and write about their experience
1. Typed or computer generated.
2. Double-spaced.
3. 12 point size font and Times New Roman font.
4. On the first page of your essay, in the upper right hand corner, type your name, the name of the class, the name of the instructor, the date, and write “concert reportâ€.
6. Proof-read for spelling and grammatical errors.
The essay should be two to three pages in length. By following the outline, students should be able to cover the subject in five sections.
I. Who, what, where, when, why.
This includes basic information on when and where the concert occurred, who was involved, and what the purpose of presenting the concert was.
II. Objective description of the concert (three or four paragraphs).
Write your observations as clearly as possible. Do not worry about understanding exactly what is going on. Write what you observe, and most importantly, describe what you hear. If possible, include the comments of the people involved. The musicians involved are your best source of information.
III. Relate to the class (one or two paragraphs).
Find a way to put your class learning to use. Relate your observations to class lectures and discussions, recordings or readings. This will become easier as the session progresses, but before the concert report is due, you should have enough in-class preparation to be able to relate it to your experience. Use the following criteria from the course: Unity & Variety, Structure of the Music, Purpose of the Music, Tempo, Volume, Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, Form, and Historical Period. Good research involves synthesizing what you have read, and relating your information in your own words. If you make a direct quotation, you must credit it to the source either in the body of your report, or by way of footnotes. Plagiarism is using someone else’s words as your own, and it is a violation of the standards of academic honesty. If your information comes from the concert notes printed in the program, you must credit that as a source.
IV. Personal Reaction.
This is the paragraph where you can record your personal feelings about your experience. It is important to keep your subjective (personal) remarks in this section and not include them in sections I, II, or III of your essay.
V. Closing Paragraph.
Find a creative way to conclude your essay. This only requires two or three sentences. The conclusion should not be abrupt and should tie in with the rest of the essay.