there is four questions you must answer them and write an essay

To summarize our lesson on the biology of the mind in a quote: “everything psychological is rooted in biology.” The brain is an organ in the same way that your heart and lungs are organs. Thus, just as your lungs provide the capacity to breathe, your brain provides the capacity for mental activity and behavior. However, the above quote begs the larger question: to what extent is our behavior the result of biological forces, such as our genetic makeup, and to what extent is our behavior the result of culture and socialization, such as from parents, peers, and media? The answer to this question leads us to a familiar debate in psychology: the nature vs. nurture debate.

The nature vs. nurture debate is perhaps no better encapsulated than in discussions of gender differences. That is, how different are men and women, and among the differences that do exist, are they a product of nature, nurture, or both? The resounding conclusion that your textbook authors make is that both are important and influence each other in dynamic ways. Nevertheless, in some facets of life, differences between people, and in our case men and women, seem more heavily derived from nature as opposed to nurture (and vice versa).

Gender differences fascinate us, and studying them is potentially beneficial. For example, many researchers have observed that women carry on conversations more readily to build relationships, while men talk more to give information and advice (Tannen, 2001). But again, psychologically as well as biologically, women and men are overwhelmingly similar. Whether female or male, we learn to walk at about the same age. We experience the same sensations of light and sound. We feel the same pangs of hunger, desire, and fear. We exhibit similar overall intelligence and well-being.

For this written assignment, I want you to take a stance on many big questions surrounding gender differences. First, do you believe men and women are more similar or different? Provide examples to build your case. Second, to what extent do these similarities and differences derive from nature, nurture, or both? Provide examples to build your case. Finally, how does learning gender roles (e.g., from parents, peers, media, or others) shape the opportunities men and women have to resist acting in line with their gender roles? When constructing your response incorporate at least 1 of the following gender theories we discussed in our lecture slides: social learning theory, social exchange theory, or gender-schema theory. Please complete your response in accordance with the guidelines in the syllabus.