views and aggregate functions 1

Download, unzip, and attach the sample database ITCO630_A from the link below. The sample database represents an educational institution with students and different schools. Each student goes to just one school. The students have various roles in different assignments and may work on more than one assignment at a time.

Download the database for this assignment.

The following are the tables and data in the ITCO630_A database:

Using the sample database, write the scripts in a file called ITCO630_P3.SQL to create the following views. Remember to include a USES clause at the top of the script file to use the ITCO630_A database. Also include code that checks if the view already exists. If it does, it should be dropped and recreated.

  1. Create a view named v_worker showing the student number, assignment number, and start date where the role is “worker.”
  2. Create a view called v_no_points with all the columns of the assignment table except the points column.
  3. Create a view called v_count that shows the number of students working on each assignment. The view should have columns for the assignment number and the count.

Reading Assignment

Hoffer, chapter 6

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