voices of the undocumented ii
Voices of the Undocumented II
- After reading the book, I want your opinions, thoughts, suggestions, etc.
- Two pages minimum.
- If using quotes from the book, please include page
- Due Tuesday
- Has this book changed your outlook on undocumented and your views on the current U. S. immigration policy? Please explain.
- In the San Francisco Bay Area, the Day Worker Center of Mountain View is supported by the community and police department. Do you think that is a good policy, even though many of the workers are undocumented? Why or why not?
- There are approximately 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. today. What do you think America’s policy should be concerning them?
- In many of the stories, the workers dream of returning to their home country. Do you think they will? If not, why not?