week 8 discussion 38

Week 8 Discussion


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“Live Your Mission”

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:


  • State your company’s mission statement in quotation marks.
  • Outline your company’s values.
  • Explain how the mission and values are reflected in what you do at your NAB business in each of these areas: marketing, technology, management, and social responsibility.
  • Read this article to learn more about the importance of having a mission-driven company.

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To help you get started with Week 8 Discussion


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To complete this week’s discussion:

  • State your NAB company’s mission statement in quotation marks.
  • Outline your company’s values.
  • Explain how the mission and the values are reflected in what you do at your NAB Company in each of these areas: marketing, technology, management, and social responsibility.

Click here for a video on how to address this week’s question.

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