what is personal dietary analysis

Steps to Complete Project:

  1. Record all food you consumed for 24 hours and quantity on the left side of the Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Analyze the 24-hour food consumption by accessing any one of the following websites:
    1. USDA- United States Department of Agriculture National Library What’s in the Foods You Eat: https://www.ars.USDA.gov
    2. USDA MyPlate: http://www.choosemyplate.gov
    3. USDA Nutrient Data Laboratory: http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/
  3. Insert the name and amount of food consumed into one of the food composition data bases.
  4. Transfer the nutrient information of the foods you consumed to the Excel spreadsheet. The nutrient information should be in grams, milligrams or other measures.
  5. Total all of the nutrient columns.
  6. Note: Food labels do not list all of the nutrients in a food. You must use a food composition database.
  7. List the daily recommended nutrients on the Excel spread sheet row entitled (RDA or related nutrient standards). Charts with the RDA and other values are listed in the back of the textbook under Appendix B page A-2 and Appendix I, page A39-45. Use the following websites:
  8. MyPlatePlan: https://www.choosemyplate.gov/myplateplan Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI): https://www.fnic.nal.usda.gov The DRI calculator will be located under DRI Calculation for Healthcare professionals.
    List the daily recommended nutrients for yourself on the Excel spreadsheet row entitled RDA or related nutrient standard.
  9. Calculate the percentage of nutrient needs. Divide your total nutrient intake based on the food you consumed by the Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) amounts. Your answers will indicate adequate or inadequate consumption of nutrients for you (Vitamins, minerals and micronutrients).
  1. Calculate the percentage of calories from protein, fat, carbohydrates and alcohol.
    • ï‚· Example:
    • ï‚· Protein (P) _________g/day x 4 kcal per gram= (P) ____kcal/day
    • ï‚· Fat (F) __________g/day x 9 kcal per gram= (F) ____kcal/day
    • ï‚· Carbohydrate (C) ____g/day x 4 kcal per gram= (C) ____kcal/day
    • ï‚· Alcohol (A) ________g/day x 7 kcal per gram= (A) ____kcal/day
    • ï‚· Total kcal (T)/day = (T) _____kcal/day
    • ï‚· Percentage of kcal from protein: (P) / (T) kcal x 100=__%
    • ï‚· Percentage of kcal from fat: (F) / (T) x 100=___%
    • ï‚· Percentage of kcal from carbohydrates: (C)/ (T) X 100=___%
    • ï‚· Percentage of kcal from alcohol: X 100=___%
  2. Total your (calorie) intake.
  3. Calculate your estimated energy requirement. (Page 385 of your textbook) Formula for men=1.0 kcal/kg/hr.
    Formula for women=0.9 kcal/kg/hr.
    Convert your weight in pounds to kilograms by dividing your weight by 2.2. A kilogram is approximately 2.2 pounds
  4. Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) (Page 390 of textbook)
  5. Show all of the above calculations on your Excel spreadsheet.

Summary of Personal Dietary Analysis

  1. Write a one-page double spaced summary of your Personal Dietary Analysis of the 24-hour food intake. Save your summary in Microsoft Word. Points will be deducted for short summaries. Points will be deducted for submissions made in any other program besides Microsoft Word.
  2. Include in your summary:
    1. Compare your intake with the Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate.
    2. Discuss the results of your Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) calculations and the amounts of nutrients actually consumed.
    3. Did your food intake have the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals?

Attached you will find the Excel sheet.