write a five pages essay 1
Choose one possible topics for the first History 3C paper
1. How did the Enlightenment emerge and what were the major currents of
Enlightenment thought? Compare the ideas of two Enlightenment thinkers. What do
they share in common? In what ways did they challenge the ideas of the age and
how do they make their arguments?
2. What were the main differences between the French and American revolutions?
How can we explain the different paths they took?
3. The Industrial Revolution changed how people lived and worked around the
world. How did industrialization transform the economic, cultural, and social lives
of Europeans over the course of the 18th
and 19thcenturies? Were all of these
changes positive? If not, why?
4. Focusing on two countries, explore how nationalism and socialism shaped
European politics during the nineteenth century.
5. What were the forces behind European colonialism? Choose two colonial powers
and compare how their experiences with colonialism differed. What might explain
the dramatic differences say between the German and British, or French and Belgian
colonial regimes?