write a paper about human by circa the performance
paper, (2 pages – 500 words, typed 12-point font, submitted online) on one of the following topics:
1- What was the ‘world’ of the play or dance concert and how was it created? Focus primarily
on the design elements. How did the design elements (Scenery, Costume, Lighting, Projection,
Sound) create the “world of the play/ballet/opera†for this production? Describe and analyze the
effectiveness of the designs in the creation of the environment, the characters, and the mood. How
did the aesthetics, style, and period of the design elements affect your understanding and
enjoyment of the performance? What is the genre and style of the play, opera, or dance? How do
the color palette and design details contribute to the storytelling and aesthetics? Please discuss
specific examples. Who are the designers and how did their designs help create the meaning of this piece? You must submit a copy of your ticket stub and the theatre program.
Observe, describe, analyze, interpret, evaluate
This assignment will help you improve your observation skills and descriptive and analytic writing. Through vivid descriptions and thoughtful discussion of the work, you will develop your aesthetic judgment, and expand your critical and creative thinking skills.
It is wise to arrive early enough to read the program before the showbegins. Observe the play with an open mind. Notice the supporting elements, scenery, lighting, costumes, sound, and projection. Recognize that your imagination is limitless. What you see is neither right nor wrong, but valued as your own perception.
Bring a pen or pencil and list words and phrases that capture the energy, mood, story or design of the piece you have just seen. Record images as they occur to you, use action verbs, adjectives and metaphors. This is the raw material that you will use to write your paper so capture as many images as possible.Avoid overused adjectives: nice, good, wonderful, beautiful and avoid hyperbole: the worst, the best, the most.
Be accurate. Check the program for the correct spelling of director’s, designers’, actors’, and composers’ names. The title of a playis underlined or in italics. Use your theatre design vocabulary correctly. You have attended a production of a play, a musical, an opera. Language, spelling and grammar are important, and count toward your grade. Be sure to proof read your paper before handing it in. Reading your paper aloud can help you find errors, and having a friend proofread is also helpful.
Essay Outline
Introduction paragraph
I. Give title, playwright, and type of play, or production.Give date of production, place, and name of performing group.Theme of play(main subject matter or message of the work). What is the creator’s intention? What does this work have to say about people, relationships, human nature, the world? Was the piece entertaining? What did it make you think about?
II. Atmosphere and mood – What is the visual style of the production? What is the genre or type of play?(Tell how it was expressed in the scenery, lighting, and sound effects.)
III. Design and Technical evaluation
A. Setting/Scenic design – describe the environment. Was it effective? Who was the designer? How were design elements used?
B. Lighting – describe the lighting. What was the mood created? Was it effective? Who was the designer?How were design elements used?Were there interesting or important lighting moments? What was the rhythm of the lighting?
C. Costumes – describe the style of costumes. Did the costumes help you to understand who the characters were? How were design elements used?How did the designer use the fabrics chosen?
D. Sound design – describe the sound design. Was it effective in helping to tell the story of the play and creating the mood and environment?How were design elements used?
E. Projection design –describe the projection design. Was it effective in helping to tell the story of the play and creating the mood and environment? How were design elements used?
IV. Directorial evaluation
A. Did the stage stay comfortably balanced?
B. Did all aspects of the production communicate the same concept or feeling or
were some aspects distracting?
C. Did this production interpret the script to your satisfaction?
D. Was the director’s concept true to what you think the playwright intended?
E.Were any aspects of the production confusing?
V. Conclusion and Personal opinion (You may discuss any aspect of the performance you wish, but givereasons to justify and explain your beliefs and opinions.)End your paper with a concluding paragraph summarizing and evaluating the concert. Make sure your descriptions support your interpretations and evaluations.