write an independent project ecology lab report about the decline of pollinators

You are going to write an independent lab report about the decline of pollinators in the recent years. This lab has been done in the Mediterranean Garden, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA AND scan sampling was used!

Goal: to identify which plants are being used in order to inform restoration efforts to help insects!

Use google scholar (or similar scientific article search engine) to look up: (Include this information in the Introduction)

– why pollinators are important

– the current status of pollinators: their abundance and diversity

– restoration efforts to help pollinators

There are 4 sections and the References. (See the rubric)

DATA SHEET, PIE CHART(copy and paste and label this in the method section), LAB REPORT RUBRIC AND AN EXAMPLE OF HOW THE LAB REPORT SHOULD BE FORMATTED(This is just a previous lab report, but follow the format) ARE ALL ATTACHED!

I will also attach another analysis test that needs to go in the Methods section, Copy and paste it and then label that.