Anthropology Quiz Savvy Essay Writers

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Anthropology Quiz

According to anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss, the origin of what we now call “CULTURE” is directly connected to our hominid ancestors’ major breakthrough in discovering how to cook their food.

 True or false ? 


Prior to the Paleolethic era, fire was one of the most useful techniques that hominid ancestors utilized to manage their environment.


True or False ?




 The “Subsistence” thesis which dominanted archaeologist’s thinking for decades placed an emphasis on pure survival as the main motor of history. Nowadays, the thinking among scholars has changed; it is now believed that food may have played other roles in early human life other than simply as a source of calories.


True or False 




In class we discussed the Paleo diet and the Raw diet as popular approaches to achieve better nutrition and body image. The reading by Crowther introduced yet another concept grounded in anthropological studies of what people eat; it is called the …………………… diet.


fill the blank 



According to Leonard, the equation that rules how much an organism spends in obtaining food versus how much it spends on eating and doing things once nourished can be called the “energy ________.”


fill the blank 



According to Leonard, the equation that rules how much an organism spends in obtaining food versus how much it spends on eating and doing things once nourished can be called the “energy ________.”


fill the blank





According to Leonard, the equation that rules how much an organism spends in obtaining food versus how much it spends on eating and doing things once nourished can be called the “energy ________.”


fill the blank







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