Intellectual Standards Savvy Essay Writers

Savvy Essay Writers Applied Sciences Online Assignment Help

Intellectual Standards

Please no plagiarism and please answer ALL questions.

For our assignment this week, examine the Universal Intellectual Standards as described in our readings. Select one of these standards, and describe how using that standard has helped you in your:

  • Work life
  • School life
  • Personal life

1.) Your essay should consist of five paragraphs, and should follow the format below:

**In your first paragraph, write a detailed description of the standard you have selected and why you selected it.

**Then, in a paragraph each, describe how that standard has helped you in your work life, in your school life, and in your personal life. Each paragraph should contain at least one example.

**Finally, in your concluding paragraph, discuss the ways you can continue to improve upon this standard moving forward.

Your completed assignment should be written primarily in first person!!!

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